Salam people and hi there!
It has been almost a month dah tak blogging. I don't want to say that I don't have time.
I have plenty of times. But, I don't know.
I do feel like something is missing.
I really feel the emptiness.
And, to be specific, I really miss my life while am preparing for my Jessup 2012 Competition.
It has been almost a month that we have already finished the so-called competition.
It has been almost a month that we have already finished the so-called competition.
Yes. I do admit that I do really my miss messy life.
Serabut serabai macam mane pun, saya tetap gembira.
Walaupun masa tu jalan macam tak cukup tanah, takde masa untuk diri sendiri.
Hidup was a bit tunggang langgang kot time tu, saya tetap bahagia. (^^,)
Nak taw sebab ape?
Sebab my friends in Jessup tak pernah back-stabbed sesama sendiri.
Sir selalu mintak consent and approval semua orang dulu sebelum buat satu-satu keputusan.
Sir tak pernah abaikan pendapat orang lain tak kira lah dari golongan minoriti sekali pun.
Takde sorang pun yang rasa being left behind.
We worked as a team. No. We worked as a family.
We walked together through hell and high water.
We swam and sank together.
For almost 6 months.
Memang being in Jessup team orang pandang susah. I do admit the same thing.
Tapi, kesulitan tu tak terasa bila nilai-nilai yang baik being spread to the whole team members.
I am not saying that by not being part of the Jessup team that you cannot be a good person.
It is not like that. I just want to share that, by being part of the Jessup team, I did not merely learn about the International Law, but I did learn about the value of a true friendship!
I got to know on how was it feel when your true friends came to you and picked you up when you were down. They never let you down. Never. They held your hand, hugged you and kept on saying that; "Everything is going to be fine because you have had great efforts in doing the thing". And, I did realize something, I would never find such good friends like what I had in the team. I never felt that I was left behind. In anything. In any decision.
And, it is not like what I felt now. (T,T)
Seriously. Even it took only 6 months for me to get along with them, but they taught me a lot. I did learn lot of things.
To all the birdies;
Thank you so much for being part of me and my memories here.
Thank you for being patient in guiding me during the intensive training.
Thank you for staying still.
Thank you for every single thing!
Takde team members lain yang dapat tandingi the awesomeness of you guys!
To our beloved coach;
Dear Sir,
We have been missing your presence!
We would like to thank you for the sacrifice and for everything.
We would like to apology for any action or wrong that might hurt your feelings, Sir.
Only Allah can repay your kindness and willingness in guiding us throughout the competition.
And, to all;
All of you will remain in my heart forever. Allah bless!
I heart you guys!
Dear Maisara, kite cilok your edited pics ya. Hehe. =P
Kalah ke menang, that is not the crucial matter. What matter to me is; the satisfaction after the competition. Bak kata Sir. Hehe. (^^,)
Ini lah law student kedua yang bakal jadi angkasawan selepas Satria Angkasa! =P
Nowa the Explower. (^^,)
Walaupun masa tu jalan macam tak cukup tanah, takde masa untuk diri sendiri.
Hidup was a bit tunggang langgang kot time tu, saya tetap bahagia. (^^,)
Nak taw sebab ape?
Sebab my friends in Jessup tak pernah back-stabbed sesama sendiri.
Sir selalu mintak consent and approval semua orang dulu sebelum buat satu-satu keputusan.
Sir tak pernah abaikan pendapat orang lain tak kira lah dari golongan minoriti sekali pun.
Takde sorang pun yang rasa being left behind.
We worked as a team. No. We worked as a family.
We walked together through hell and high water.
We swam and sank together.
For almost 6 months.
Memang being in Jessup team orang pandang susah. I do admit the same thing.
Tapi, kesulitan tu tak terasa bila nilai-nilai yang baik being spread to the whole team members.
I am not saying that by not being part of the Jessup team that you cannot be a good person.
It is not like that. I just want to share that, by being part of the Jessup team, I did not merely learn about the International Law, but I did learn about the value of a true friendship!
I got to know on how was it feel when your true friends came to you and picked you up when you were down. They never let you down. Never. They held your hand, hugged you and kept on saying that; "Everything is going to be fine because you have had great efforts in doing the thing". And, I did realize something, I would never find such good friends like what I had in the team. I never felt that I was left behind. In anything. In any decision.
And, it is not like what I felt now. (T,T)
Seriously. Even it took only 6 months for me to get along with them, but they taught me a lot. I did learn lot of things.
To all the birdies;
Thank you so much for being part of me and my memories here.
Thank you for being patient in guiding me during the intensive training.
Thank you for staying still.
Thank you for every single thing!
Takde team members lain yang dapat tandingi the awesomeness of you guys!
To our beloved coach;
Dear Sir,
We have been missing your presence!
We would like to thank you for the sacrifice and for everything.
We would like to apology for any action or wrong that might hurt your feelings, Sir.
Only Allah can repay your kindness and willingness in guiding us throughout the competition.
And, to all;
All of you will remain in my heart forever. Allah bless!
I heart you guys!
Dear Maisara, kite cilok your edited pics ya. Hehe. =P
Kalah ke menang, that is not the crucial matter. What matter to me is; the satisfaction after the competition. Bak kata Sir. Hehe. (^^,)
Ini lah law student kedua yang bakal jadi angkasawan selepas Satria Angkasa! =P
Nowa the Explower. (^^,)
akak!!! heee.. sweet, love it.. hee,
Hehe. Thank you, Sarah!
akak... nak cakap ni je..
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