now..i'm listening to the music from 'ketika cinta bertasbih', feel relieved..yeah, a lil bit..
currently, got a lot of things in my mind..but, i am trying to fade it out..i'll be leaving soon, so soon.. now..my bapak is sitting beside me with the other lappy, he is ngarut la dgn lagu ayat2 cinta..dgn kentut nya, omg!! i'm gonna miss this moments, moments that i used to spend with my family members here..laa, and i am so sure that i am going to cry kat airport kelak on tuesday..even it's gonna be the sixth part of my semester, the thing i hate most..is to be away from home and my family, it's hard people..
tomorrow, adam will be leaving for the boarding school..gonna miss you am, gonna miss our lawak yg vudu..gonna miss the babak words, gonna miss all the pillow's smell..gonna miss all the expression, gonna miss all the things about you am..
the next day, izza will be registering for her school..and raihan will doing the same thing on monday, she had warned me and abil to not going to keep her an accompany on that day..takut pecah lobang dgn cekgu, haha..lil raihan, omg..i am going to miss all the things here,
and nanab will be staying at home..wishing that she'll aim for what she wants, nab..do take good care of my bed aa, i know you will..gonna miss you nab, wpun salu gado2..ngaaa, ='(( but, for the sake of our better future..it's better for me to make a move, to survive and grab the degree..no, the degrees..it's double aaa, semangat wei! will ensure that mak n bap will proud of me.. then, at that very moment..we'll see, sapa kawan and who's not..mark my words, sabar itu indah..ayat utk sedapkan hati i, tp penuh hikmah..that's the beauty of Islam, yeah..
Untungnya org mu'min, Semakin bnyak masalah, Semakin mustajab doanya, Bukan namanya perjuangan tanpa kesulitan, Namun sebaliknya ada ketenangan, Yg pasti kita tidak bersendirian, ALLAH tetap bersama kita...
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