fsu's students with dato' dr hj mohd fadzillah kamsah, fully-motivated then..=)
nana and jannah, one of the reasons why i am still standing right here now..

memory lane, me with the great motivator..dato' dr hj mohd fadzillah kamsah, =)

the committee team on that particular day, thank you guys!
memory lane, me with the great motivator..dato' dr hj mohd fadzillah kamsah, =)
the committee team on that particular day, thank you guys!
currently i am in the faculty's resource centre, and the lappy is with me now..so, faham2 le..time to blogging, haha..actually, niat sebenar nk settle methodology research assignment with jannah..our proposed topic is, Constitutional Law: To What Extent the Constitutional Crisis 1988 Does Affect the Independency of the Judiciary in Malaysia?
haha..mcm serious jek, tp memang serious pon..this gonna be a hard and challenging task for both of us to execute, wow..semoga dapat menyiapkan segala nya in time and perfectly, it's a kind of a tribute to the our former Lord President too..Tun Salleh Abas, that is only we can do to show our appreciation to his contribution towards our nation, dear Tun..we really admire you, and we wish to be like you in the future..ameen,
okae2 people, got to go..nk start the discussion neh, kang x siap..and this evening we gonna have a selection to search for the fac's debater to compete in N.C's debate, so..wish me luck people, nk isi masa terluang jek wpun sbnr nya keje tgah berlambak mcm nk ngalahkan twin tower power rangers..haha, but..i know, debate is my life..xkesah la, =))
selawat ke atas nabi junjungan kita, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him..sempena hari kelahiran baginda esok, 25 february 2010..12 rabi'ul awwal 1431 h, semoga kita sentiasa menjadikan baginda sebagai contoh terbaik dlm rutin seharian..ameen, takbir!!
to ela: then.. i da ingat da, hehe..mengulit kenangan na jwak, rindu la saat ya..xda masalah pun, bebas..mcm2 jak kmk buat xda pun sedih selalu, time ya blm matang glak..bok nk kenal erti dunia luar, so..otak gila2, tp..apa2 pun, life must go on..rencah hidup sememang nya menuntut pengorbanan jika kita ingin berjaya dan bahagia d penhujung cerita, apa org puteh kata..happy ending, haha..pasal rantei shefaz ya, kmk sa..hak ktk nk pakei o x kan?? org lain xleh nk judge kt sbb cdak x berada d tmpt kita..so, respect and have faith in your own decision..kmk sokong ktk, ignore what people keep talking about you because you have your own stand! ho yeah!
esok gonna be my sister's day..to you nanab, best of luck..countdown neh, i love you!
and..today is 24th of february, i wanna wish a great happy 47th birthday to my beloved mother..puan suraya hj ahad, may Allah bless you all the way..only He knows on how to repay your kindness and sacrifice, mak..thank you for everything, and you deserved the title 'greatest mother in the world'..yeah, it's true..love you mak, all the way!! love you!!
i wish i can be home..but, it's okay..my prayers will always be with them, my loved ones..=))
greatest love of all, n.o.r.a =)
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