Monday, June 14, 2010


salam people and hi there,

sekarang di malaysia waktu 0407 hours, 15 june 2010..hehe, many things happened in my life, sepanjang my agr is nearly to 23 now..euwwww, sgt byk..byk pengalaman, byk pengajaran as well..yeap, yeap..

to my bap: happy father's day to you..i love you unconditionally, thank you for being such a great father to us..i know no words can be described to express how do i feel towards to bap,thank you for every single thing..i love you!

to mak and adik: all of you are the greatest thing that Allah has granted to me in my life, xda ganti..sampei bila2, no matter what happen..i love you guys!

to him: it's the time to comment..lalala~ congratulation! you know what i mean aaa, kan? awak..thank you for the surprise, thank you sbb sbr and terus sbr bearing with me..sepanjang i kat brunei, sepanjang i kat sibu..teman i time i terlalu boring, thank you sbb sanggup dtg to my hometown and the surprise as well..sgt terharu, you know what..kdg2 i feel that, i really need you as my friend..i mean my bestest friend, i feel like i don't wanna lose are so kind, thank you..congratulation sbb da confirm, sponsor makan!! please!! hehe..thank you for all the messages, thank you atas tanda me and to my family as well, tp tamaw expose dulu kat org okae..tamaw! lagi 2 thn blh x? to you; kalu bace this post..jgn gelak2 taw, i know you will..aaaa, hehe..thank you, i know no words can be expressed to you..syukran,

aaaa..ngantok balek, nnt ade free..i sambung g ea, byk g nk ckp ni..hehe,

with love,
n.o.r.a =)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

xoxo brunei in memories xoxo

salam people and hi there,

wow..euwww, it has been a month..exactly a month aaa, fuhhh..tarit nafas dalam2 dolok, hmm..within a month, i learn lot of things..about life, about the career, everything..about the sincerity, every single thing..

sangat banyak memories di brunei that i might not erase from my mind, kenangan dgn kakak2 and abang counsel yg sangat baik..thank you for bearing with us guys!

kak yaya: si gigi besi yg bersinar, thank you for every single thing..gonna miss you badly! kak yaya lawak..kene amal selalu taw ape yg kami ajar, kalau nk tmbh syllabus sendiri pun ok..hehe,

kak fina: helmet..akak la pengguna jalan raya yg paling berhemah sekali kan?? x atas jalan pon, ttp berhemah tinggi..kak, thank you..jazakallahu khairan kathira, euwww..i ckp arab pulak! ngaaaa..terima kasih for bottom of my heart,

bg fen: junior counsel yg mesra rakyat..yg suke wat video sendiri, kann? yg pernah parking tanpa motif dpn office hari sabtu dgn harapan supaya semua orang tahu yg die keje overtime..sbr je laaa kan, bg fen..thank you atas kesabaran membimbing kami, terima kasih..wishing that one day we might run a firm together, tp nk demand gaji blh?? hehe..

to kak noor, kasrin, ali, kak lyna, kak ain, kak gayah and kak lipah: terima kasih atas segalanya..terima kasih atas perhatian anda kepada perantau2 ni, insya allah..ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi, halal kan makan minum kami..

to uncle daud and the family: terima kasih atas penerimaan uncle, halakan makan minum kami selama kami di brunei..terima kasih atas ilmu yg uncle curahkan, insya allah..ada rezeki, kami akan kembali ke brunei..

fuhhh..i experience a lot byk perkara di bumi org lain, walaupun serumpun..ttp byk beza, but..hujan batu di negeri sendiri kan? sirih harus plg ke gagang..aaaa, insya allah..i will apply what i've got there, semoga pengalaman dr brunei darussalam akan menjadi inspirasi saya untuk berjaya dalam bidang kepeguaman..ameen,

xtaw nk start dr mane ea my pengalaman kat brunei ni..speecless and wordless, aaaa..sgt indah, terlalu indah..kenangan yg paling indah that might no be erased from my mind and my heart, terima kasih semua atas segala-galanya..apa yg pasti, kami xkan mampu jumpe pengganti sebaik korang..keep in touch,

terima kasih brunei!