Friday, June 8, 2012

Nasi Arab and the Memories!

Salam people and hi there!

Today is Jumu'ah Mubarakah!

Cakap Arab kott. Sebab rasa lagi sendawa Nasi Arab dinner tadi. 


Ni last minute nye plan. We have actually went to the same restaurant last week with the our mooting family for gathering walaupun tak semua managed to attend the dinner.

Tetibe pagi tadi memang mengidam. Tengok-tengok ada orang ajak. Wuu.

Orang tua-tua cakap tak elok tolak rejeki. Eh. Rezeki. So, we went there once again tonight. 

Let's the pictures reveal what happened!

Gambar Nasi Arab itself ade satu je sebab masing-masing kebulur kot time nak makan kot. Satu hari tahan perut sebab taw kedai nih bubuh banyak sangat nasi. Atikah dgn Aisyah siap share. Wuu. Siap order egg salad yang buat kitorang gelak je.

Pastu, borak and ngutuk orang je. Lagi-lagi bebudak yang dok meja sebelah yang hisap shisha. Padan la pandai kot dok hisap shisha 2 jam siap senyum je hembus hasil hisapan dieorg. Haiyohh. Siap ade imaginasi macam mane la rupa orang yg dok ketuk arang kat belakang kedai shisha nih. Hehe. *kidding*

It is undeniable yang Nasi Arab kat sini mmg paling kaw and best kat Nilai. 
Tapi, Nasi Arab boleh di cari.

 But, not GOOD FRIENDS. ='(

Macam ape yang saya cakap kat my previous post;

Saying goodbye isn’t the hard part, it’s what we leave behind that’s tough. You never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind.

The period of time knowing and making friends is immaterial. What more important is; Allah dah cambahkan rasa kasih itu dalam masa yang sangat singkat.

Kenapa saya cakap singkat? Sebab dalam masa setahun je Allah dah buat saya sayang sangat kat my big family nih. Dah rasa macam siblings betol.

Allah je taw macam mane sayang nye saya kat mereka. =')

It is all about having good siblings who had left great impacts in my life. 

Alhamdulillah, finally I found one of the great reasons why Allah placed me here! =')


Nowa the Explower. <3

Saturday, June 2, 2012

It has been 5 years!

Salam guys and hi there again!

2 posts in a day haa? Hehe.

Because lotsa things happened in a day. Wuu. 

We did have BBQ among us in TLB 1 yesterday. Walaupun tak semua dapat menghadirkan diri memandangkan idea came up suddenly, tapi half of us managed to attend. 

I have been in TLB 1 during my 1st, 4th and final year = 3 years. Meaning to say; more than half of my survival here, I spent with those people. For sure, there were laughter, smiles, tears and fights. 

Itu lah yang sebenarnya mewarnai hidup dan perjuangan saya di sini. 

To my classmates in TLB 1;

Thank you for cherishing my days here. Sometimes, I may not good in expressing my feelings towards you guys. Kalau marah, main blah je dari class. My badss. My dark side. Kalau gelak, memang tak ingat dunia orang kiri kanan. Kalau nak shoot, memang tak kira semua perasaan orang. I am so sorry for that. Tapi, semua tu tak pernah dapat prevail rasa sayang kite kat korang. Ala-ala Jus Cogen la kot. *PIL mode*

Tapi, as I realized that we only have few remaining days to be spent with, I end up to blog and bgtaw korang yg kite sayang kat korang. Sangat-sangat. =')

Kak Ti.


Kak Syu. 

Kak Niza.

*ke nak spell Are-da?? =P*


*M.A Kalthum =P*

Mc Syu.





*nak glamour sket; Feeqa. =P*




A good-bye is never painful unless you’re never going to say hello again. =')

We are still going to have our next hello kan??

Thank you for the memories and the joyful moments!

Dalam banyak-banyak gambar, paling menyentuh perasaan gambar nih;

Untuk gambar atas nih, credits should be forwarded to Acid the Khoudri lah kan? =P

