Monday, March 15, 2010


salam people and hi there,

it's just my next tutorial class was postponed, fiqh, i am taking this opportunity to do blogging..hehe, i received an e-mail just now about some great pictures captured in National Geographic programme..i was touched to see one of the pictures, it is a picture of a couple of, i tend to share the picture with you people..

hmmm, next..the final examination is just around the corner, it will start on april 19th and will be ended on may 6th..then, i will only can get back to home..i bought the flight ticket on may 6th on the evening, hahah..optimistic itu harus! =))

talking about the nearly final examination, oh my..the 6th part has come to the end, after having the latihan industri for 2 months then we will proceed with the next 7th always dealing with bundles of works i seldomly did not realize that the time run so fast and left us behind,

the treasure here in ISUM only left less than 2 years to be accomplished, it seems like it was yesterday i did register my LLB degree here..i realize something, people..that whatever happen, time and tide wait for no man! patut la org arab kate..masa tu ibarat mata pedang yg menunggu untuk memancung mangsa nya, sebab..masa takkan sesekali tunggu kita as well as kalau kita lalai, then..all the precious things that we should do before are neglected,

i used to learn lot of things here in ISUM since it was my first time steeping my feet into this newly established campus, i was thought to be more matured to handle things in my life..i was thought to be a strong girl who used to be far away from the family and survive to embrace the LLB, i was thought to be a strong survivor here to accomplish my LLB for five years equivalent to 10 parts, whoaaaa...thank you ISUM, i gained all great memories here in order to guide me to be a 'real' human in the future once i've been graduated from here.. insya Allah, ameen..

to my parents, mak and bap: i promise the best, yes i do..i will fulfill the promise, i love you both..

to my siblings,, izzati and khairani; i love you guys, damnly much...mcm zirafah kat gambar atas ya, love is everything..rindu nk kelaie, rindu nk plg umah sebenarnya..i jak xda kat umah time celebrate birthday adik last night nak?? and lil khairani said that, nya xdapat nak salam i sbb i jauh.. =((

to 'you'; thank you for always bearing with me, with my impatience..with my bad, and every single thing of me..wishing that our prayers will be heard by Him, insya Allah..thank you for always being there for me whenever i need you, thank you..

to my team member for English Debate, FSU; i miss the momento guys! damnly..kita still juara, =)

wishing that every single thing will go on smoothly..insya Allah, ameen..see you next time guys,

missing home badly, love you all..

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