Thursday, February 23, 2012

*Happy Birthday, Mak!*

Salam people and hi there!

Okay. For the past 5 days was my father's birthday. 

Sebenar nya my father tua 5 hari je dari my mum. 

They were born in the same year and month.

Cuma beza hari je. Ya. 5 days.

Okay. When I am talking about my mum, mmg lumrah wanita suka bebel. Hehe. Tapi, my mum ada kekuatan untuk bebel 24/7. Hebat tak? Hebat kan? Hehe. Kalau mak taw saya buat mcm nih, mmg lah kena pelangkung. Sorry, mak! 

But, she is great in every household chores. Semua secepat sepantas kilat. 2 bakul bj blh siap habis lipat within 10 mins. Giler hebat. Ktorg 2 jam pun tak siap lagi sbb lipat bj sambil tgk tv. Hasilnya, dapat lah bebelan lagi.

Tapi, itu lah yang buatkan kami jadi manusia. Saya mmg tak tahan dgr my mum bebel. Dr kena tadah telinga, it is better for me to obey her words. Senang cerita.

My mum is really great in cooking. Tapi, tak taw la dapat tak jadi mcm die sbb I am not that really cekap. Setiap kali nak try resipi baru kat Nilai, setiap kali tu jugak I will phone her. Hasil nya? Tentulah bebelan dulu sbb kalau kat hometown mane de tolong mak kat dapur. Then I replied; 'dulu orang nak tolong mak tak bagi sbb mak tak selesa org nih kidal'. *kire alasan je tuh* Hehe. 

Tapi, ape pun, mak will always be in my heart. Kalau mak sedih, I would feel the same. And, saya lah tempat mak saya luahkan perasaan. Sbb tu la kalau ape pon jd, mak akan cari saya. 

And, on 24th February 2012;

To my dearest mum; Puan Suraya Ahad;

Happy 49th Birthday to You!

Semoga Allah sentiasa permudahkan urusan mak setiap hari.

I wanna you to know that you are the greatest mother that I ever had in my life.

Thank you so much for taking care of me, bapak and adik-adik for all of this while.

Only Allah can repay segala nya.

And, I always want you to be happy. 

On your birthday, semoga mak and bapak cepat dapat seru naik haji.

Semoga Raihan dapat adik lagi. Hehe. Kalau Raihan taw, mahu mengamuk die. Hehe.

Semoga mak dapat menantu sulung yg ada beragama, bertanggungjawab, and handsome. =)

Semoga mak sentiasa diredhai Allah.

I love you, mak! Saranghae! *tapi mesti mak tak taw saraghae tu ape* 

With love on your birthday,

nora the explorer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love it. shes cool u know. sometimes i met her at lobby, shes the one who tegur me first. malu juak kmk cos i dun know her name. but she knows me, ayu. ya of course bcos we r neighbour. i mean rumah ur nenek sik jauh kan dr rmh kmk org. actually i pretty like her. shes friendly. murah ngan senyuman. senang ati nangga urg suka senyum. hehee.. kay lah. kim salam ngan nya k. lucky u to have a very lovely mum.