Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Dear Wonderwall!

Salam people and hi there!

Today is 20th of July.  And, tomorrow is 21st of July. It's my Wonderwall's birthday!

"Happy 24th Birthday to You, Inche Diddy!"

Allah bless you all the way. 
Semoga senantiasa dipayungi kasih dan cinta Allah.
Selamat menjadi Muslim yang hakiki dan sentiasa dahagakan redha Allah.
Thank you for always being there for me whenever I am in need. 

Tak taw da nak wish ape. If you read this entry, mesti hairan sbb biasa nya saya lah yang paling banyak membebel. My badss. 
I have the present with me. And, I wish to pass it in person to you. Insya Allah nanti kalau ada kesempatan, I'll pass it to you. 

Cukup awak taw yang saya sentiasa doakan awak!

Uhibbuka Jiddan Jiddan!
(Cakap Arab baru tak nampak sangat jiwang kot kan?)
Emoticon kat atas tu dah cukup kot nak bagitaw ape yg saya nak cakap kan? Euwwww.

With love on your birthday,
n.o.r.a diddy <3

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